Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Healing on the inside

Exactly one year ago was when Mr. C and I  last saw my OB/GYN doctor. It was then that my doctor suggested I go on a 1800 calorie diet and exercise to lose weight in order to help my symptoms associated with PCOS and Endometriosis. 

My first reaction was to laugh - Doesn't he know how hard I've tried to lose weight? Doesn't he know exercising irritates my endometriosis? Does he even remember all that I've gone through this year, including a recent surgery? 

My second reaction was ignorance - I already know I had failed in the "get healthy and move active" department and a doctor's recommendation to try again wasn't enough motivation to get healthy and lose weight. Even if he promised my symptoms would improve and give me a greater chance should I want to do fertility treatments in the near future. 

This past year, I haven't really taken my doctor's words to heart. In fact, I've ignored them completely! I'm started to realize just how stupid I was to ignore my doctor's advice. These last few months, Mr. C and I have started to research fertility treatments. After much reading and researching, my heart started to ache and my mind echoed the words of my doctor "You need to get healthy should you ever want a chance to conceiving a child". 

Sure, I could easily do various fertility treatments now in the hopes that we conceive a child - but what if I do conceive a child? Would my body be able to carry or support the growing child? Would my pre-diabetes condition evolve into gestation diabetes and carry on after I deliver? Would I be willing to risk my health and the health of my unborn child due to all the complications of being unhealthy and overweight while pregnant?

I don't want that for me or my unborn child. 

Three weeks ago, I decided that part of my infertility journey will be to heal from the inside out. I need to lose weight. I need to eat healthier. I need to exercise regularly. I need to heal my body in hopes that being healthier will help treat my PCOS and make my endometriosis more tolerable. 

Since then, I have already lost 7 lbs and 1-3 inches on various parts of my body. I already notice some of my symptoms starting to get better. My pelvic pain is less noticeable, my hair isn't falling out as much, my facial hair doesn't grow as fast and my body in general feels better. I can feel my body healing on the inside and I'm happy. 

For once, I feel like actively working towards my future family. I no longer feel like I have to wait - wait for a doctor to okay me for one part of the process, or wait see how various results turn out, or slowly  wait earn money for future treatments. I now can do something about my fertility! I have a new found hope that what I'm doing now is preparing for our future family - no matter how our family may grow!

Being healthier has never felt so good!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this! I have been feeling very similar lately. Like I want everything to line up perfectly. And as difficult as losing weight is, it IS something we can control... Where the fertility stuff really isn't.wecan become healthy again. :)
